
Journal articles

Tarnanen, M., Oral, D., Niklasson, E., de Riba-Mayoral, S., Vähäsantanen, K., Pantić, N., & Manninen, E. (2024). Exploring integration in schools by using the lens of cultural diversity and multilingualism in policy documents from Finland, Scotland and Sweden. Language and Education, 1–21.

Dzieciatko-Szendrei, B., Pantić, N., Joksimović, S., Gašević, D., & Viry, G. (2024). Systematic review of the operational definitions and indicators of teacher communities. Educational Research Review, 45, 100640.

Pantić, N., Sarazin, M., Coppe, T., Oral, D., Maninnen, E., Silvennoinen, K., Lund, A., Päivi, H., Vähäsantanen, K., & Li S. (2024). How do teachers exercise relational agency for supporting migrant students within social networks in schools from Scotland, Finland, and Sweden? Teaching and Teacher Education, 139, 104442.

Pantić, N., Brouwer, J., Thomas, L., Froehlich, D. (2023). The Potential of Mixed-Method Social Network Analysis for Studying Interaction between Agency and Structure in Educational Research. International Journal of Research and Method in Education.46(2), 187–199.

Marc A. C. Sarazin, D., Oral, A. Lund and N. Pantić (2023). “Using Mixed-Method Social Network Analysis to Study Teacher Collaboration for Migrant Inclusion in a Swedish School” in Damsa, C. et al. 'Re-theorizing learning and research methods in learning research', Routledge, EARLI series on New perspectives on Learning and Instruction.

Coppe, T., Thomas, L., Pantić, N., Froehlich, D., Sarazin, M., Raemdonck I. (2022). The Use of Social Capital in Teacher Research: A Trendy but Blurry Concept, Frontiers in Psychology, section Organizational Psychology.

Pantić, N., Galey S., Florian, L., Joksimović, S. Viry, G., Gašević, D., H. K. Nyqvist, Kiritsi, K. (2021). Making Sense of Teacher Agency with Social and Epistemic Network analysis, Journal of Educational Change. DOI: 10.1007/s10833-021-09413-7

Pantić, N. (2021). Tool for Teachers' Reflection on their Agency for Change (TRAC): a tool for teacher development and professional inquiry. Teacher Development: An International Journal of Teachers’ Professional Development. DOI: 10.1080/13664530.2020.1868561

Kim, J., Florian, L. & Pantić, N. (2020). The development of inclusive practice under a policy of integration, International Journal of Inclusive Education, DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2020.1773946

Pantić, N., Taiwo, M. & Martindale, A. (2019). Roles, practices and contexts for acting as agents of social justice - student teachers' perspectives. Teachers and Teaching, 25 (4), 220-239.

Pantić, N. (2017). An exploratory study of teacher agency for social justice . Teaching and Teacher Education, 66, 219-230.,Gtqvg5RB

Pantić, N. (2015). Reconciling Rigour and Impact by Collaborative Research Design: Study of Teacher Agency. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 40 (4), 329-344

Pantić, N. & Florian, L. (2015). Developing teachers as agents of inclusion and social justice. Education Inquiry, 6 (3), 333-351.

Pantić, N. (2015). A model for study of teacher agency for social justice. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 21 (6), 759-778. doi:10.1080/13540602.2015.1044332klk

Džankić, J., Kacarska, S., Pantić, N. & Shaw, J. (2015). The Governance of Citizenship Practices in the Post-Yugoslav States: The Impact of Europeanisation. European Politics and Society. DOI: 10.1080/23745118.2015.1061744

Pantić, N. (2015). Citizenship and Education in the Post-Yugoslav States. European Politics and Society.

Pantić, N. (2012). Teacher education reforms between higher education and general education transformations in South-Eastern Europe: Reviewing the evidence and scoping the issues. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal 2(4), 71-90 (pdf).

Macura-Milovanović, S., Pantić, N. & Closs, A. (2012). The rationale for a wider concept of Inclusive Education for teacher education: A case-study of Serbia. Prospects, 42, 19-39. doi.10.1007/s11125-012-9219-9

Pantić, N. & Wubbels, T. (2012). Teachers' moral values and their interpersonal relationships with students and cultural competence. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28 (3),  451-460.

Pantić, N. & Wubbels, T. (2012). The role of teachers in inculcating moral values: operationalisation of concepts. Journal of Beliefs & Values, 33 (1), 55-69. doi.10.1080/13617672.2012.650030.

Pantić, N. & Wubbels, T. (2012). Competence-based teacher education: a change from Didaktik to Curriculum culture? Journal of Curriculum Studies, 44 (1), 61-87. doi.10.1080/00220272.2011.620633.

Pantić, N., Wubbels, T. & Mainhard, T. (2011). Teacher Competence as a Basis for Teacher Education: Comparing Views of Teachers and Teacher Educators in Five Western Balkan Countries. Comparative Education Review, 55(2), 165-188.

Pantić, N. & Wubbels, T. (2010). Teacher Competences as a Basis for Teacher Education - Views of Serbian Teachers and Teacher Educators, Teaching and Teacher Education, 26, 694–

Pantić, N. (2007). Aims and Methods of Education: A Recapitulation, Journal of the Institute for Education Research, 39, (1). doi:10.2298/ZIPI0701007P

Pantić, N. (2006). Moral Education through Literature, Journal of the Institute for Education Research, 38, (2). doi:10.2298/ZIPI0602401P

Edited books

Florian, L. & Pantić N. (2017). Education for the Changing Demographics of Schooling: Policy, Practice and Research. Springer

Džankić, J., Kacarska, S. & Pantić, N. (2016). Europeanisation of Citizenship Governance in South-East Europe. London, Routledge.

Pantić, N. & Čekić Marković, J. (Eds.) ( 2012). Teachers in Serbia: Attitudes towards Profession and Reforms in Education. Belgrade: Centre for Education Policy.

Pantić, N. (Ed.). (2008). Tuning Teacher Education Curricula in the Western Balkans. Belgrade: Centre for Education Policy. (pdf)

Chapters in edited books

Džankić, J., Kacarska, S., Pantić, N. & Shaw, J. (2016). The Governance of Citizenship Practices in the Post-Yugoslav States: The Impact of Europeanisation. In Džankić, J., Kacarska, S. & Pantić, N. (Eds.). Europeanisation of Citizenship Governance in South-East Europe. London, Routledge, pp 1-10.

Pantić, N. (2016). Citizenship and Education in the Post-Yugoslav States. In Džankić, J., Kacarska, S. & Pantić, N. (Eds). Europeanisation of Citizenship Governance in South-East Europe. London, Routledge, pp 75-93.

Pantić, N. (2014). Myth, Theory and Research of Teachers as Agents of Change: The importance of noticing relationships. In van Tartwijk, J., Brekelmans, M., den Brok, P. & T. Mainhard (Eds.) Theorie en praktijk van leren en de leraar, Liber Amicorum Theo Wubbels, Amsterdam: B.V.Uitgeverij.

Radišić, J., Raković, J., Pantić, N., Marković, J., Maksimović, A. & Marković, M. (2012). Teachers as Proponents and Opponents of Education Reforms – the Case  of Serbia, in J. Madalińska-Michalak, H. Niemi & S. Chong (Eds.) Research, Policy, and Practice in Teacher Education in Europe. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ƚódzkiego.

Pantić, N. (2009). Teacher education in Serbia, in Tatto, M.T. & Mincu, M. (Eds.) Reforming teaching and learning: Comparative Perspectives in a Global Era. Sense Publishers.

Pantić, N. (2007). What is education research and what is it for? In Mimica A. (Ed.) Education Research and Policy Making (pdf), Belgrade: Centre for Education Policy.


Hollenweger, J., Pantić, N. & L. Florian (2015). Tool to Upgrade Teacher Education Practices for Inclusive Education. Strasbourg: Council of Europe (pdf).

Florian L. & Pantić N. (2013). Learning to Teach, Part 2: Exploring the distinctive contribution of university-based teacher education. UK: The Higher Education Academy. (pdf)

Pantić, N., Closs, A. & Ivošević, V. (2011). Teachers for the Future: Teacher Development for Inclusive Education in the Western Balkans (pdf). Turin: European Training Foundation.

Babin, M., Pantić, N. & Vukasović, M. (2009). Reproduction of social inequalities through transitions in education. In Marković, J. (Ed.) Analysis of characteristics of poverty in Serbia. Poverty Reduction Strategy Implementation Team of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

Open Society Fond – Serbia (2008). Monitoring the process of Serbia’s advancement towards EU: knowledge society, Education section, Belgrade: Open Society Fond – Serbia.

Pantić, N. (2007). Obrazovanje i bezbednost. In Stanje ljudske bezbednosti u Srbiji: Izveštaj za 2005/2006. godinu, Belgrade: Fund for an Open Society – Serbia.

Working papers

Pantić, N. (2012). Citizenship and Education Policies in the post-Yugoslav States (pdf), CITSEE Working Paper Series 2012/23, University of Edinburgh, School of Law.