Recent talks and conferences
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) Symposium 'Teacher Agency for Change and Relevant Teacher Education' (organiser, chair and speaker), Nicosia 29th August 2024.
Policy Analysis to Understand Teacher Agency in the TEAMS Project, the Council for European Studies (CES) Conference, Lyon, 3rd July 2024.
The UK launch of UNESCO’s Global Report on Teachers, University of Nottingham, 21st June 2024.
Teachers’ relational agency for supporting migrant pupils’ integration in schools in Scotland, Finland, and Sweden, Relation-Centered Education Network Conference, Trondheim 17th June 2024.
Mixed methods and policy analysis in Educational Research, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh, 5th December 2023.
How teachers and school leaders can lead a research-informed educational change, University of Santiago de Chile, Teacher Education Department, 16th Oct 2023.
Practices and Policies of Migrant integration in Schools, Stockholm University, Sociology Department, 4th Oct 2023.
EARLI 2023 Symposium ‘Teachers’ and School Staff Members’ Agency, Expertise and Ties to Colleagues, Teachers' relational agency within professional networks for supporting migrant students, Thessaloniki 22-26 August 2023.
Using the Agents of Change Toolkit to Promote Migrant Integration in Schools Using the Agents of Change Toolkit to Promote Migrant Integration in Schools, Cantalli, D. and Pantić, N., workshop at European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Glasgow 22-26 August 2023.
The University of Rijeka, 12th July 2023. The role of teachers and (inter-)professional collaboration in migrant students’ integration in school community,
The Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) Inclusive Education Network to present the Teaching that Matters for Migrant Students project, online event, 24th June 2023.
The Annual event of the Glasgow City Council event on 21st June 2023 to present the implications of Teaching that Matters for Migrant Students project for the English as Additional Language service.
The Swedish National Agency for Education Away Day, on 23rd May 2023 in Stockholm, The implications of Teaching that Matters for Migrant Students project for developing policies that support migrant integration in schools.
UNICEF and City of Bratislava Council, Teachers conference on Ukrainian refugee response, 22nd November, 2022, Bratislava (online).
Seminar ‘Rethinking teacher competence in contexts of increasing diversity and uncertainty’ Umeå U., 19th Sept 22. Education department and seminar for doctoral students
International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography (ICQE), Copenhagen 15-19th Oct 2022. Researching Relational Agency through a Virtual Internship, Hibert, S. A., Pantić, N., MacLean, J., Philips, M., Gašević, D. & Y. Tsai.
Webinar hosted by Aarhus University: Using the Agents of Change Toolkit to Promote Migrant Integration in Schools, Cantalli, D., de Riba, S. & Pantić, N., 10th June, 2022.
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) Symposium 'Migrant Students Integration in Different Education Systems: Benefits and Pitfalls of Universalist and Targeted Approaches' (organiser, chair and speaker), Yerevan + Online 21st Aug – 10th Sept 2022.
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Inclusive Education: Communities, Families and Schooling in Educational Research, 6-10 September 2021, Geneva (online), Teachers as Agents of Change: development of a toolkit for teachers and schools for addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, contributor, with D. Cantali and B. Dzieciatko.
International Network for Social Network Analysis, Sunbelt Virtual Conference, 13-17th July 2020, TRAC - A tool for social network based interventions in schools (presenter) and Combining Social and Epistemic Network Analysis to study teachers’ communities of practice, B. Dzieciatko, N. Pantic & S. Galey
Network Learning Conference, 18-20 May 2020, Tool for school-based network learning, available in Adobe Connect
Seminar at Monash University, Melbourne, 4th February 2020, Combining Social and Epistemic Analysis in Social: A study of teacher agency for inclusion
UK Government Cabinet Office's Open Innovation Team, Measuring Teacher Quality workshop, London, 15th October 2019
European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Biennial Meeting, Aachen, August, 2019, Symposium discussant 'Enacting Agency in Teacher Education: perspectives on pre-service teachers and teacher educators’, and Invited Symposium on Mixed-method Social Network Analysis at EARLI 2019, N. Pantic, D. Froehlich, J. Brouwer & L. Thomas.
Seminar at the University of Helsinki, 6th May 2019 Changing paradigms: What do we mean when we speak about competencies?
Previous events
American Educational Research Association, 13-17 April, 2018, New York
European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction, 29 August - 1 September, 2017, Tampere
European Conference on Educational Research, 22-25 August, 2017, Copenhagen
International Study Association of Teachers and Teaching, 3-7 July, 2017, Salamanca
Educational Change: Challenges and Expectations, 20-21 October, 2016, Zagreb
British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Meeting, 13-15 September, 2016, Leeds
Teacher Education for Diversity, Concluding conference, 15 March, 2015, Edinburgh
Teacher Education for Diversity, ESRC Seminar 6, 1 December, 2015, Edinburgh
Teacher Education for Diversity, ESRC Seminar 5, 21 September, 2015, Edinburgh
Teacher Education Policy Network (TEPE), 14-16 May, 2015, Dundee
Teacher Education for Diversity, ESRC Seminar 4, 20 March, 2015, Edinburgh
Research-led Teacher Education Network meeting, 19 May, 2015, Edinburgh
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, 16-20 April, 2015, Chicago
UNICEF and the Zurich University of Teacher Education workshop, 29 March - 2 April, 2015, Zurich
Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtue Seminar, University of Birmingham, 25 February, 2015, Birmingham
Teacher Education for Diversity, ESRC Seminar 3, 8 December, 2014, Edinburgh
Scottish Educational Research Conference (SERA), 19-21 November, 2014, Edinburgh
Teacher Education for Diversity, ESRC Seminar 2, 24 October, 2014, Edinburgh
British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference, 23-25 September, 2014, London
Teachers as agents of change, LSRI Seminar, 16 July, 2014, Nottingham
European Commission WB PET 3rd Ministerial Meeting, 19-20 June, 2014, Brussels
Teacher Education Policy Network (TEPE), 15-17 May, 2014, Zagreb
Teacher Education for Diversity, ESRC Seminar 1, 21 March, 2014, Edinburgh